The Wonder of Music Lies in Its Virtue

18-06-04 people with harmony and encourage people towards kindness. Looking at today’s society, such an...

Confucius, Virtue and Selecting a Place of Residence

18-05-28 to her niece Chen’s home for a few days. Her stomach ache disappeared. When she returned home, the...

Leaked Document Reveals Informant Culture on China’s Campuses

18-05-28 The leaked document from Zhongnan University explaining professor Di’s transgressions. (Screenshot...

Takeover of Portuguese Utility Firm Latest Power Grab by China

18-05-28 A bid to take over Portugal’s biggest utility firm Energias de Portugal (EDP) by a Chinese...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 3)

18-05-27 deep. They second story describe how Cheng Hao’s students felt that they learned from him as if they...


18-05-27 %的海鲜加工厂目前没有足够的工人去采摘蟹肉。“这将促使价格上涨,”马里兰州螃蟹和蟹肉批发商Lindy's Seafood的副总裁文森特(Aubrey Vincent)说,“基本上将发生的事情是...


18-05-27 - 6:30 PMGeneral Reception: 6:30 - 8:30 PM地点:新财神大酒楼16515 S Frederick Ave,Gaithersburg, MD 20877每位$100...


18-05-25 ”(MIT’s Scratch program) 专为年龄8至16岁的学生设计程式编程课程,可以编制他们自己的电脑互动故事,游戏或动画,并分享给他们的网络在线社区。非营利性的Code.org已经创建了一系列...


18-05-24 ,一般都是在零售店停产或淘汰的商品加上很大的折扣。有些物品也是已经损坏的了,所以购买时需仔细挑选,除了瑕疵品外还是有很不错的deal的。Levi’s, REI, Old Navy, Eddie Bauer...

Experts Forecast Dark Days Ahead for China’s Trade

18-05-19 Chinese economists have analyzed China’s trade data and the forecast does not look optimistic.Last...

Three Stories of the Virtue of Emperor Taizong

18-05-18 prince’s teacher, Xiao Yu, wrote a letter to the emperor, suggesting that according to the principle of...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2)

18-05-18 (维基百科)The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 2) Liu Yuxi’s...


18-05-18 非农业工作。但是,联邦政府今年对签证的发放方式进行了修改。现在马里兰州的签证越来越少。这给螃蟹公司带来了问题。马里兰州螃蟹和蟹肉批发商Lindy's Seafood的副总裁文森特(Aubrey...


18-05-17 、Sarabeth’s、Takahachi等大牌在内的几十家餐厅,都会聚集一堂、摆摊设宴,奉献招牌美食。一张门票可以品尝6种美食、1种饮料。此外,类似的美食节还有5月18~19日的“上西区美味(Taste of...

World’s Largest Geyser Erupts, and Scientists Don’t Know Why

18-05-21 /worlds-largest-geyser-erupts-and-scientists-dont-know-why_2523442.htmlYellowstone’s Steamboat Geyser, the world’s tallest active geyser, erupted over the weekend, according to U.S....

Chinese Communist Party Sets Up VR Technology for Testing Party Members’ Loyalty

18-05-21 authorities have established the country’s first VR center for ensuring that Party members maintain the “Party...


18-05-10 Mother’s Day Weekend Garden Party( / CC0 Public Domain)伟大的“母亲节”也是在这春意盎然的5月。带上...

Trump Seeks to Claw Back $15 Billion in Useless Spending

18-05-12 shouldn’t have it just sitting in that account.”In line with Hoyer’s comment, the administration’s focus...

Why Millions’ Worth of Precision Instruments at Prestigious      Chinese University Suddenly Stopped Working

18-05-12  Sunny Chao, courtesy of Epoch TimesDue to intense vibrations caused by Beijing’s subway, precision...

The Concept of “Being Content with Poverty and Happily Pursuing the Way” (Part 1)

18-05-12s tireless pursuit of truth. Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, with their passing-down such...

More Evidence WeChat Is Recording Private Messages for Beijing to Spy on Users

18-05-07 More evidence has emerged to support the widely held suspicion that China’s most popular messaging...

Obama White House Holdover Smeared Trump Veteran Affairs Pick: Report

18-05-07 instances behaved unprofessionally. Tester said the allegations came from Jackson’s current and former...

威胁全球言论自由 长臂还能伸多久

18-05-06 企业、大学、出版商、连锁酒店、宗教机构、人权和民主活动人士,甚至政府。她表示,外界竟然很少有人对此提出异议,这让她很震惊。斯威特说,美国政府在倡导网际网路自由方面做得太少,没有为压迫政权下的人们提供足够...

圣斯伯利与艾斯达合并 成英国最大超市集团

18-05-06 (Walmart)将持有合并后新公司42%股权,并将入袋29亿7500万英镑,这起交易估艾斯达价值约73亿英镑。路透社报导,英国第2大连锁超市圣斯伯利(Sainsbury’s)与第3大的艾斯达合并,将可降低成本...


18-05-04 美国第一位非裔女百万富翁C.J.沃克夫人,是“沃克夫人生发灵”(Madam Walker's Wonderful Hair Grower)产品的开发者。据《C.J.沃克夫人:创业者...


18-05-04 现代艺术家的得意作品,尽收眼底。而且,还能和艺术家面对面切磋交流。时间:5月3日(周四)~5月6日(周日)。地点:兰德尔岛屿公园(Randall’s island park)。地址:20 Randalls...

现代艺术品展览 Frieze New York

18-05-04 (Randall’s island park)。地址:20 Randalls Island Park, New York, NY 10035。费用:$18起。网站

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 3)

18-05-03 of Wu” (King Wu was Emperor Taizong’s third son), and “Warning to the Royal Family.” In these...

Three Stories Illustrate How A Sin is Committed With Even One Thought of Lust (Part 2)

18-05-03  Third Story Even though the person’s name is omitted, this is also a true story.  During the last...

滥用福利影响绿卡和入籍 已领福利是否可补救?

18-04-28 ,并有相关医疗需要的家庭。父母的工作时间长短将不会影响获取有关福利。◆S/CC:年龄在21岁至64岁之间的单身或已婚人士,他们没有失明,没有残疾,不是怀孕,也没有年龄在21岁之下的孩子。申请...


18-04-26 美食集会 the World's Fare本次活动实际上是为了纪念与重现50多年的一次“纽约世界博览会”而再次举办的美食大会。当年——1964年的World's Fair,吸引了...

Ancient Parenting Philosophy: Emphasis on Virtue and Moral Behavior (Part 2)

18-04-25  Yan Zhitui and The Principles of Yan’s Family Yan Zhitui (531 – 591 AD) was a scholar and educator...

19 Years Later, New Yorkers Remember Historic April 25 Appeal in China

18-04-25 22, to mark the 19th anniversary of a day that’s both sad and also a testament to great...

Bill Gates Backs Company that Plans to Video Record Everything on Earth, All the Time

18-04-25 existing systems, users can see only what has happened in the past. With EarthNow’s constellation of...

2019 BMW 6 Series

18-04-25 的空间。然而,不像Audi A7和Tesla Model S这样的竞争对手拥有两厢车,可提供更多的货舱空间。正如您所预料的那样,6系敞篷车可提供更少的后备箱空间──只有12.4立方英尺,顶部是10.4...

内涵段子被封 幽默也是错?  创始人“道歉反思” 波及2亿“段友”   

18-04-20 段子”遭永久封杀,对段友来说,是不小的打击。很多段友感慨,“内涵段子被封后,整天拿著手机不知道干啥!”“封了一个段子,封不住亿万段友的心。对政府太心寒了!”[s] [/s]“低俗”指控受质疑 作为中共...

服务过麦当娜 纽约酒店旧房门高价拍卖

18-04-19 已经超过40万美元。 据拍卖经纪公司Guernsey’s官网消息,切尔西酒店的52扇房间旧房门在该公司进行了前所未有的拍卖。一个无家可归的人挽救了这些被拆除的房门,然后花费了数年时间调查研究这些房门...


18-04-19 。招聘职位,包括:客服、零售、食品服务等数百个职位。招聘单位,包括:月神公园(Luna Park)、德诺摩天轮公园(Deno’s Wonder Wheel)、附近的商家Nathan热狗店(Nathan’s...


18-04-18 事务办公室(Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, MOIA),将在华策会-皇后区社区服务中心(CPC Queens community Center )共同举办免费移民资源...